Peace Polar Bear & Penguins stitch count 84w x 56h, approximately 6" x 4" on 14ct. Model stitched on 28ct White Jobelan over 2 threads. Glissen Gloss Rainbow Blending Thread 000 Bright White and DMC Color Variations 4020 Tropical Waters are used in addition to DMC colors B5200, 310, 321, 415, 498, 701, 704, 741, 762, 995, 996, 3371, 3713, 3799, 3801, 3818 and 3843. The design is embellished (optional) with one handmade extra-large left-facing candy cane button.
Merry & Bright Birds stitch count 84w x 56h, approximately 6" x 4" on 14ct. Model stitched on 28ct White Jobelan over 2 threads. Glissen Gloss Rainbow Blending Thread 000 Bright White, Threadworx 1085 Christmas Time and DMC Color Variations 4020 Tropical Waters are used in addition to DMC colors 310, 321, 498, 666, 676, 701, 704, 726, 741, 996, 3818 and 3837. The design is embellished (optional) with one handmade small metallic gold star button.
Elfie Selfie stitch count 84w x 56h, approximately 6" x 4" on 14ct. Model stitched on 28ct White Jobelan over 2 threads using DMC colors B5200, 310, 353, 498, 666, 699, 704, 754, 762 and 948. The design is embellished (optional) with one handmade tri-color holly button.
Elves & Penguin stitch count 86w x 57h, approximately 6 1/4" x 4" on 14ct. Model stitched on 28ct Antique White Jobelan over 2 threads. Glissen Gloss Rainbow Blending Thread 000 Bright White and Threadworx 1090 Red Lipstick are used in addition to DMC colors B5200, 208, 310, 321, 353, 415, 498, 550, 666, 700, 703, 726, 741, 754, 762, 801, 895, 920, 948, 964, 996, 3371 and 3843.
Holly Craze stitch count 56w x 84h, approximately 4" x 6" on 14ct. Model stitched on 28ct White Jobelan over 2 threads. Weeks Dye Works 1269 Chestnut (DMC sub 801) is used in addition to DMC colors B5200, 310, 321, 415, 498, 676, 701, 704, 741, 762, 996, 3371, 3801, 3818 and 3837. The design is embellished (optional) with handmade red glitter heart, extra small metallic gold star and wreath with windswept bow buttons (1 each).
Merry Christmas Deer stitch count 56w x 84h, approximately 4" x 6" on 14ct. Model stitched on 28ct White Jobelan over 2 threads. Weeks Dye Works 1269 Chestnut (DMC sub 801) and Rainbow Blending Thread 306 Emarald Green are used in addition to DMC colors B5200, 310, 321, 435, 436, 437, 498, 701, 704, 712, 726, 738, 739, 741, 801, 996, 3818 and 3837. The design is embellished (optional) with handmade two-tone folk heart and two-tone holly buttons (1 each).
Holly Jolly Joy stitch count 56w x 84h, approximately 4" x 6" on 14ct. Model stitched on 28ct White Jobelan over 2 threads. Weeks Dye Works 1269 Chestnut (DMC sub 801) is used in addition to DMC colors B5200, 321, 498, 550, 666, 701, 704, 741, 996 and 3818.
Naughty or Nice? stitch count 56w x 84h, approximately 4" x 6" on 14ct. Model stitched on 28ct White Jobelan over 2 threads. Weeks Dye Works 1269 Chestnut (DMC sub 801) is used in addition to DMC colors B5200, 310, 321, 415, 498, 550, 666, 701, 704, 741, 762, 948, 996, 3713, 3818, 3837 and 3843.