Patriotic Christmas Plate 2021 stitch count 104w x 105h, approximately 7.5" x 7.5" on 14ct.
Patriotic Christmas Stocking stitch count 145w x 220h, approximately 10.25" x 15.75" on 14ct.
Santa's All American Christmas stitch count 133w x 105h, approximately 9.5" x 7.5" on 14ct.
Models are stitched on 28ct light ash grey Lugana over 2 threads using DMC threads.
Patriotic Christmas Plate 2021 is embellished (optional) with Mill Hill 00479 white glass seed beads and Mill Hill 03049 rich red antique seed beads. It is adorned with an extra, extra small carrot nose (SB455XXS).
Patriotic Christmas Stocking is embellished (optional) with Mill Hill 02049 rich red antique seed beads. It is also adorned with two medium metallic gold star buttons (SB060MGM) and a small holiday heart button (SB066S).
Santa's All American Christmas is embellished (optional) with Mill Hill 00479 white glass seed beads and Mill Hill 03049 rich red antique seed beads. It is also adorned with two small metallic gold star buttons (SB060MGS).