Fabric: Stitched on 28 count Midnight Cashel Linen hand-dyed by Crossed Wing Collection.
Stitched 2 over 2.
Stitch Area: 70w X 100h
Stitch Count: 66w X 96h
Design Area: 4-5/8″w X 6-¾”h
Materials Summary: A total of 11 The Gentle Arts variegated floss colors used in model. Weeks Dye Works comparable (best match) colors are provided in the chart.
The Gentle Arts
Weeks Dye Works
No. of Skeins
0350 Mulberry
2240 Red Rocks
0550 Burnt Orange
2238 Terra Cotta
0580 Orange Marmalade
2225 Marigold
0640 Daffodil (only needed if not using buttons)
2223 Saffron (only needed if not using buttons)
1010 Slate
1174 Tin Roof
7001 Barn Grey
1154 Graphite
7003 Shutter Green
2196 Scuppernong
7015 Sarsaparilla
2237 Hazelnut
7023 Green Pasture
1166 Sea Foam
7024 Tin Bucket
1298 Gunmetal
7039 Bayberry
2153 Cypress
Just Another Button Company
Button Pack #8528:
3314.S – Small Golden Star – 3 each
3314.M – Medium Golden Star – 2 each
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