Wow! 27 fun, quick and easy cross stitch designs for beginners!
Love You (teddy w/heart) (53w x 73h Stitches)
The Earth (mini world, dolphin, penguin, turtle, panda and saying, "The earth is a house that belongs to us all") (51w x 71h Stitches)
Horses (pair of kicking horses with saying, "Life without horses, I don't think so!"
I'd Pick You (3 smiling flowers with saying, "If friends were flowers... I would pick you") (71w x 52h Stitches)
My Next Dog (aqua dog with saying, "My next dog will be normal") (37w x 41h Stitches)
Turtle (mini design of smiling turtle) (29w x 27h Stitches)
Sweet Thing (ice cream cone with the words "Sweet Thing") (28w x 50h Stitches)
Snail (mini design of whimsical snail) (24w x 20h Stitches)
Way to Go! (mini design of colorful roller blade in motion) (32w x 32h Stitches)
Batter Up! (the words plus a mini baseball glove, baseball and bat) (39w x 28h Stitches)
Soccer (mini soccer ball) (29w x 29h Stitches)
I Love Tennis (mini tennis racquet and ball) (32w x 32h Stitches)
Cats Have Staff (cat on cushion with saying, "Dogs have masters, cats have staff" (64w x 41h Stitches)
Whas' Up? (mini design in colorful cross stitch letters) (23w x 24h Stitches)
Attack Cat (aqua cat and purple mouse with the saying, "Warning: this room is protected by an ATTACK CAT") (51w x 73h Stitches)
Cheer (the words "Cheer, yea, rah rah, Go Team!" with a megaphone) (81w x 67h Stitches)
"Sole" Beauty (3 different colorful shoes with the saying "I see the beauty in every sole") (40w x 93h Stitches)
Follow Your Dreams (3 colorful butterflies with the words) (76w x 44h Stitches)
Love Grows Here (2 smiling potted flowers and a butterfly with the words) (91w x 39h Stitches)
As If! (colorful words within zigzag border) (68w x 49h Stitches)
Final Answer (mini design with saying "Is that your final answer?????") (25w x 25h Stitches)
Been There Done That (mini design with words) (25w x 24h Stitches)
Dreams Can Fly (3 colorful kites with saying, "If my dreams can fly... then so can I") (52w x 74h Stitches)
You Are My Sunshine (words with sun wearing sunglasses) (51w x 55h Stitches)
Hanging Around (tree frog hanging on plant) (50w x 72h Stitches)
Horsin' Around (mini design of seahorse with the words, "Just Horsin' Around") (37w x 38h Stitches)
Fishy, Fishy (mini design of four tiny tropical fish) (39w x 31h Stitches)