Model stitched on 32ct Desert Sand Linen using The Gentle Art Sampler Thread (110 Dried Thyme, 440 Maple Syrup, 7021 Black Raspberry Jam, 7044 Dungarees, 140 Blue Spruce, 350 Mulberry, 7084 Espresso Bean, 420 Gold Leaf, 240 Midnight, 390 Buckeye Scarlet, 130 Avocado, 7059 Pumpkin Pie, 450 Cornhusk, 7055 Uniform Blue, 7039 Bayberry, 560 Nutmeg, 190 Forest Glade, 7047 Mustard Seed, 360 Cranberry, 7082 Piney Woods, 7042 Raven, 7086 Brick Path, 7069 Summer Shower, 1140 Oatmeal, 7076 Portabella, 7074 Chives, 7034 Gingersnap, 7075 Crystal Lake and 7046 Weathered Barn.) DMC equivalents (3052, 3862, 939, 3768, 500, 221, 3371, 3827, 336, 349, 581, 976, 3046, 3768, 645, 435, 936, 831, 902, 936, 934, 422, 318, 3756, 451, 3363, 355, 647 and 902.) The stitch count is 96w x 128h.