Baked Alaska is the 6th design
released as part of the Glendon Place A-Maze-ing Desserts Collection; a
series of Mandala type designs inspired by delectable desserts found
anywhere from your own kitchen to the finest restaurants in the world.
What's really amazing about them is they are guaranteed to be fat-free,
lo-cal and too good to pass up! The Mandalas also have Mill Hill Beads
added for that extra sweetness; what I like to call the "whip cream on
top" or the "icing on the cake!"
Use your imagination. Just
because this design is called Baked Alaska and the model is stitched in
hues of blues, aquas and off-white doesn't mean you can't select an
entirely different color palette of your own. You can even stitch it
monochromatic (all in one color) if you like. Or, select the palette colors from one of these other designs in the A-Maze-ing Desserts Collection:
GP-187 Cherries Jubilee
GP-188 Pumpkin Swirl
GP-189 Plum Pudding
GP-190 Grasshopper Pie
GP-191 Strawberry Shortcake
GP-196 Tiramisu
Fabric: Stitched on 28ct "Aerial" Cashel Linen hand-dyed by Picture This Plus
Stitch Count: 196w X 198h
Design Area: 14"w X 14"h
Materials Summary:
Uses 6 colors of Dinky Dyes hand-dyed silk floss (a silk pack is available and located in related products below), 4 colors of Mill Hill
Beads, and 1 color of Sullivans USA/Anchor/or DMC floss for attaching
Dinky Dyes
No. of Skeins
Sullivans USA/Anchor/or DMC
Mill Hill Beads
0 - Natural
10 - Cloudy Sky
11 - Coral Sea
43 - Aquamarine
94 - Coral Lagoon
106 - Billabong
45472/128/157 |
00168 - Sapphire - 1 pack
00479 - White - 2 packs
02008 - Sea Breeze - 2 packs
02088 - Opal Capri - 1 pack