Models were worked either over 1 or over 2 threads. Over 1 with 28ct White Cashel Linen and over 2 with 32ct White Belfast Linen. Thread used is Crescent Colours (Ribbon Red). DMC equivalent (304), Weeks Dye Works equivalent (Schoolhouse Red) or The Gentle Art Sampler Thread equivalent (Liberty).
Noel House: 35w x 29h - over 2 - 2.2"w x 1.8"h and over 1 - 1.09"w x 1"h
Joy: 37w x 34h - over 2 - 2.3"w x 2.1"h and over 1 - 1.3"w x 1.2"h
Scalloped Heart: 33w x 31h - over 2 - 2"w x 1.9"h and over 1 - 1.2"w x 1.1"h