These 'Twas The Night Ornaments are the first in a series of four. Three ornaments in one little chart! "Twas the night", "The children were nestled", "The stockings were
hung". Stitch count is 39w x 39h. Finished size is approximately 2.7" square when stitched on #29 Ivory Glenshee Linen. (choose your favorite neutral color fabric!) Model is stitched with Crescent Colours (Ribbon Red, English Ivy, Spinach, Sunflower, Cloud, Pablano
Pepper, Eve's Leaves, Snowball and English Ivy). Thread color options are also given for Weeks Dye Works and DMC. Mill Hill beads 02011 and 03049 are also used. Chart comes with embellishment pack! (1 moon, 2 brass stars and 1 brass cat; enough to do
one of each ornament.)