This design by Stoney Creek features more songbirds than ever! Cardinals, American goldfinches, chickadees, a blue jay, robin, cedar waxwing, nuthatch, rosebreasted grosbeak and more will put a song in your heart. (169w x 160h Stitches) Chart only.
Design size is approximately 12"w x 11 1/2"h when stitched on 28 ct clear sky Stoney Creek Dyed fabric over 2 threads (or 14 ct Aida over 1 square). The pattern calls for Gentle Art 1130 woodsmoke Sampler thread (Item #GA1130), GlissenGloss 591 black forest (Item #CW591-Discontinued, substitute DMC Color Variations 4000 espresso) and 500 forest fire (Item #500-Discontinued, substitute Weeks Dye Works 4107 confetti) Colorwash Hand-painted Japanese silk thread and the Songbirds button pack which contains an extra small right-facing flying bee button (Item #SB143) and a medium blue butterfly (Item #SB114).