Eleven nostalgic cross stitch designs celebrating childhood:
Just Fishing (little boy in bare feet, overalls and a straw hat, sitting on bank, fishing next to his dog and two caught fish) (140w x 99h Stitches)
A Few Fly Bites (rocking horse with the words, "A few fly bites cannot stop a spirited horse") (103w x 76h Stitches)
Rocking Chair (profile of a mother in a long gown holding her child on her lap as they look at a bird outside their window) (72w x 88h Stitches)
Yesterdreams (two children sitting on a park bench with a yorkshire terrier dog between them) (78w x 90h Stitches)
The Cuddly in Me (little girl hugging teddy bear with the words, "You bring out the cuddly in me") (89w x 84h Stitches)
Our Children (pair of Canadian geese swimming with babies and the saying, "Our children are watching us live. What we are shouts louder than anything we can say") (100w x 70h Stitches)
One Cat (sampler style design with stylized mice and cats and the saying "It is better to feed one cat than many mice") (91w x 131h Stitches)
Washday (mother and daughter in bonnets and boy in overalls hanging clothes on the clothesline) (92w x 60h Stitches)
Joy is Found (little boy standing on rock looking at a mallard duck with the saying, "Joy is found in unexpected places") (93w x 84h Stitches)
Home Is (small diamond-shaped design with vines surrounding the words, "Home is where you hang your heart") (63w x 54h Stitches)
A Loving Family (sampler style design with stylized mom, dad, sister, brother under the words, "Doing things for each other not in the attitude of duty but in the spirit of joy") (81w x 93h Stitches)