Eight actual lighthouses in the U.S. and Canada, cross stitched in 15 floss colors or less:
Permaquid Point Light (Maine) (140w x 108h Stitches)
Beaver Head Light (Beaver Island, Michigan) (140w x 112h Stitches)
Peggy's Cove (Nova Scotia, Canada) (110w x 142h Stitches)
Sambro Island (Nova Scotia, Canada) (106w x 134h Stitches)
Gay Head - Martha's Vineyard (Massachusetts) (110w x 144h Stitches)
Cape Ann Light (Massachusetts) (110w x 134h Stitches)
Cape Henry (Virginia) (100w x 170h Stitches)
Drum Point Light (Maryland) (107w x 133h Stitches)