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Annie's Cross Stitch
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Art To Heart
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Bee Cottage, The
Bee In My Bonnet
Beehive Needleworks
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Bent Creek
Blackberry Lane Designs
Blackberry Rabbit, The
Blackbird Designs
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C & T Publishing
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Designs By Gloria & Pat
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Fairy Wool in the Wood
Faithwurks Designs
Finally A Farmgirl
Flowers 2 Flowers
Fox and Rabbit Designs
Foxwood Crossings
Frog Cottage Designs
From Nancy's Needle
From The Heart
Frony Ritter Designs
Frosted Pumpkin Stitchery, The
Gentle Pursuit Designs
Glendon Place
Glitter Gulch Needleworks
Graph-It Arts
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Hands On Design
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Happiness Is HeartMade
Haunted Frames
Heart In Hand Needleart
Heartstring Samplery
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Hello From Liz Matthews
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Kyoko Maruoka Gera
La D Da
Ladybug Stitches
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Lucy Beam Love In Stitches
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Mill On The Floss Samplers
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Notforgotten Farm
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Prairie Moon
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Primrose Needleworks
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Serenity Stitches
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Sugar Stitches
Summer House Stitche Workes
Sunflower Seed, The
Susanamm Cross Stitch
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TA Smith Designs
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Terri Bay Needlework Designs
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With Thy Needle & Thread
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Imaginating - Butterfly Bliss 2872
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Dimensions Kit - Butterfly Profusion
Imaginating - Butterfly Bliss 2872
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(someone else)
-Model is stitched on 14ct White Aida.
-The stitch count is 120w x 150h.
-DMC floss used: 312.
(800) 243-1410
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