Wise & Witchy Owl stitch count 35w x 35h, approximately 2 1/2" x 2
1/2" on 14ct. Model stitched on a 14ct pre-finished varigated purple
banded ornament using DMC colors 310, 704, 726, 727, 740, 996, 3078 and
3837. It is embellished (optional) with one small purple glitter star and
one medium green glow star.Here for the Boos stitch count 35w x 35h, approximately 2 1/2" x 2 1/2" on 14ct. Model stitched on a 14ct pre-finished varigated purple banded ornament using DMC colors B5200, 208, 310, 550, 704, 726, 727, 740, 762 and 3078.
Witch's Shoe stitch count 35w x 35h, approximately 2 1/2" x 2
1/2" on 14ct. Model stitched on a 14ct pre-finished varigated purple
banded ornament. Glissen Gloss Rainbow Blending threads 308 Lime Green
and 701 Violet are used in addition to DMC colors 310, 704, 726, 727,
740, 3078 and 3837. The design is embellished with three Mill Hill 02085
Purple Glsss Seed Beads.