Halloween is stitched on 28ct Cobweb Linen (Spider Web Linen.) The stitch count is 78w x 25h.
Boo is stitched on 32ct Avocado Belfast Linen. The stitch count is 39w x 40h.
Eek is stitched on 32ct Natural Petit Point Linen. The stitch count is 32w x 35h.
The Gentle Art Sampler Thread used: Carriage Black, Forest Glade, Fragrant Cloves, Moss, Picnic Basket, Red Plum, Summer Meadow and Tomato.
DMC equivalents are: 310, 936, 3853, 3012, 3781, 3835, 3821 and 920.
Buttons used are available in a button pack, item # JB9949.